Originally posted on The Military Spouse Book Review:
reviewed by Simone Gorrindo (Army) When Andria first asked me to review Artis Henderson’s debut memoir, Unremarried Widow, I was hesitant. I’d been wanting to read the book for some time, but the cliché is true: that knock on my front door really is my worst nightmare.…

Tonight I’m writing from a low place.  I’m in an emotional corner that I cannot remove myself from.  All that is left for me to do is try to find the rest that Christ offers in a very painful place.  As I was asking God, “Why do you allow these things to happen to your […]

Relationships with family are often incredibly difficult to navigate in a healthy way.  Maybe it’s because there is so much water under the bridge or that our expectations for tomorrow defy a lifetime of interpersonal history.  Perhaps, we are hoping for more than one person is capable of giving, or even hoping for someone to […]

There is a prominent ‘pastor’ who preaches prosperity and blessings emphasizing one’s own verbal power to speak ‘into being’ God’s blessings in a pre-prescribed fashion.  A ‘blessing’ by their definition seems to be plenty of money and often other material things and is often considered to be a result of God granting a person ‘favor’ […]

Do you ever feel as though you are cycled through life’s lessons over and over again?  Two months ago, my dishwasher broke and it was on this unending wash cycle.  I’d clean up the kitchen, load the dishes, put in the detergent, and press the start button.  Once I left the house and I returned […]

Does God determine the exact time of our death?.

I’m a band mom.  If you are one too, you know that means coughing up a lot of money so that your child can participate.  It also requires a lot of personal involvement.  Marching band camp, Gatorade, sore feet, sweaty laundry that smells like goat, and extensive complaining hog up summers that were supposed to […]

I am a child of a broken home.  I have been a broken child.  Despite being raised in a Christ believing, church attending family there were many times of upheaval and uncertainty.  There were nights when I laid in bed listening to the sound of arguments and wondering what the family’s landscape would look like […]

There’s an older evangelical praise song that sings “We bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord.”  That song is something I’ve sung when my heart has been full of joy.  God is so big and so infinite and so mighty.  It has felt easy to praise him even when life was […]

When I was young, I was unafraid to dream.  I loved horses and longed to ride off into the sunset on a warm midwestern day.  Somehow I successfully convinced my father that I NEEDED a horse in the worst possible way and I daydreamed from atop at 16 hand quarter horse about horses and boys. […]